This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Thursday, September 27


This post is gonna be chock-full of lots of different things. Mostly pictures, maybe a few quotes from myself, you never know. Of course, most of the pictures have some type of quote...

Cheers to all these photos I've collected:

 I totally was not expecting this! Also check out the video 'When I'm Nigel', soon to be a link on the right.

 Ahhh one of my friends named Charlie is still obsessed with this show :)

 I wonder what happened to my furby? I really like these two.

 I know some people that would have been jumped up for joy if I had done this when I was in high school :p

 You never do, it slowly happens most of the time and you don't even realize it. Well you of course you do realize it when it's too late. It's all about the timing...

 I love anti-jokes. Such as 'How do you confuse a blond? Dress in green and throw forks at her." :p :p :p

 Snuggie people are really having a hey-day of happiness TEEHEE

 I totally want to do that. That would SO freak ANYONE out.

 Sometimes gladly. Sometimes sadly.

 I take relationships way way too slow. Examples: My first two dates I ever went on I didn't ask the girl. The girl asked me. Then, the first two girls I liked I never went on a date with. Third girl I liked, it took me two years to ask her out on our first date, and we only ever went on two others. We haven't talked or texted in months, but I'm fine with that. It was a dysfunctional relationship for many reasons.
And now I'm headed on a mission for two years, hoping that bad trait will disappear between now and when I come back.

 I love that face. "Oh wait, yeah I did kill someone."

 If this is real, I have to go wherever this is.
 One of those moments we all like to aww over :)

 Funny funny show. "Touche." "It's pronounced, toosh."

 I feel like this movie actually exists...

 I love when people try to write in spanish and know nothing about the language.

 That is so true. When you have to go to the bathroom, the commercials are like thirty seconds long. When you don't have to go to the bathroom...they take like five or ten minutes!

 I had a dream where there was a guy and a girl and I forget what they were doing exactly but the girl ended up saying, "Miss me miss me now you gotta kiss me!" The guy then said, "I threw it there on purpose." Then they kissed. Of course, in that particular dream I was a fireman and ended up having to hose them down as their house was on fire...yeaaaahhh.

 That is when you know you don't have any really big problems.

 Yes, sir.

 I am quite sure I am going to do this someday. That's just totally awesome. Imagine the story the kid gets to tell people, and we get the satisfaction of knowing he probably bit into an onion thinking it was an apple.

 Too true. Those five symptoms are

 I Hate Nikki Minaj with a passion. Not her, really, but her music. It just makes my ears go bananas.

 Love this show.

 Only seen the show once, but that's funny.

 Someday I'm going to have to do some form of upside-down kissing. For whatever reason I really like the idea of it. I think this is the third picture of some form of upside-down kissing I've posted.

 I want to make a cake like this someday. That is amazing. I may not like frosting, but I don't care, that is an awesome cake.

 I wasn't able to snap a picture of it, but when I was in the Kingdom of Bahrain I saw a guy who was riding his bike on the side of the road...holding a bathtub. It was crazy funny xD

 My second favorite pokemon. Squirtle and Pikachu tie for first.

I always cry when I see photos like this.

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