This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Friday, December 30

The Power of a Hug

I was thinking. Of course, it was about her. We never really hug each other too much.

Well, there comes a time in everybody's life, when everything that could go wrong, goes wrong. Whether it's my family tearing each other apart the day before or nearly losing one of my friends and his incredibly muscular yet not muzzle-wearing dog among other things, I was having one of those times up until yesterday. Well, with a simple hug, she remedied it.

The more often you have something, it seems the less you value it. I never realized that till I was on my home in my blue neon light-filled car listening to the Backstreet Boys oddly enough. When I dropped her off, I had a total Ben moment and my OCD kicked in. She started to leave, a little while later, but then came back for a hug. As I said, we don't hug too often, and in my car on my way back I realized that she recognizes the value that even a simple gesture can have on someone.

She knew I needed that hug. I'm glad for it.