This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Wednesday, August 22

Reason: Find It!

Rephrase my last quote: "It's the worst times that bring out either the worst or best in us."

There's a reason behind everything. You just have to find it.

In Irish it says, "Reasons are behind everything that happens."

Long long ago (possibly right now, as time may not be linear after this life), we signed up for the life we have - and knew the many different pathways that we could take - we wanted to come down here. Every possible decision you could make, was pre-determined. But it's up to us not knowing that knowledge anymore, to choose what to do.

Yes, your dog biting your mailman's butt repeatedly is a decision your dog did not have to make. And you did not have to let him... You also did not have to let your dog run into your neighbors basement every few months but that's a different story. Haha, there was no stopping Clancy... he was huge and loved my basement for some reason :)

Up in the sky/heaven/pre-earth life we thought, "I want these challenges. I can do this." It's possible you even said, "Throw Lucifer himself at me." You may not have... but you never know.

One of the many personas of the Devil...

What we did not understand while up in heaven, was the experience of forgetting. We didn't know what it was like to forget. Everything. And FYI, that 'forgetting' is referred to as a veil... and was a good thing. At least for me :)

Here's a drawing that shows what I'm talking about. If you notice the absence of Hell, it exists, but Hell is different than what is commonly thought.

With all the pre-earth knowledge this life would most likely be a cakewalk. But, I think one of the most important reasons why we are here (aside from get tested) is this: we have the chance to re-invent ourselves. We have the chance to find out who we truly are, and who we want to be.

I believe I have blog posts essentially saying this.

What makes that hard each and every day is Lucifer, who uses God's own creations for nefarious purposes. And many fall victim. They've lost sight of who they truly are. A part of God. A child of God.

It's true. Nothing can really hurt you. Pain is just a reaction.

And that's why I'm leaving for two years, plain and simple. To give people the opportunity to remember that they are one of Heavenly Father's children.

I found a picture that provided a definition for a missionary: "A missionary is a person who leaves their family for a short time so others can be with their families for eternity."