This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Tuesday, August 21

Kids and other things

"It's those of us with the worst that know how to give the best." - From the archives of Ben

Take my quote how you want. But I believe it's true on many levels... of course, on some it's completely opposite, but it gives you something to think about...

I believe this was a commercial for insurance...

Okay, now to talk about kids and other things. Kids are one of the most often talked about subjects, yet are also one of the most neglected. Today, I will most neglect talking about kids but I will talk about them a little bit.

Suzeey, Apricot, Hillbilly, Cynthia (From Rugrats), and Chuckie the doll

My kids will most likely be quite messed up, buuutttttt they'll be super smart at the same time. How? Well, I teach them how the brain works.

Yup, there were two of these movies

I did quite a bit of research to train my own memory, and I'm still not quite at the level I want it to be. Maybe in a few years.


Back to my future kids, I probably have mild forms of OCD, ADD, ADHD... The list may be able to go on on 'diseases' whether made up or not, that I could possibly pass on to my kids.

And, well, I didn't learn left from right till I was nearly ten.. I figure I'll teach my kids left is right and right is left. That'll teach 'em. Haha :)

Left, right, right, left their all the same...

I won't think of any more 'mean' things to do to my future kids... I swear. Well, for today anyway. Oh, next post... okay, an eventual post to be realistic... Additions to my future house in California since I'll be stuck there the rest of my life :)'ll be a unique post most likely. I have very grand plans. I've spent hours thinking and finding these ideas haha...

Shake it up!
Shake up the happiness!
Wake it up!
Wake up the happiness!
Come on ya'll,
It's Christmas time...