This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Sunday, July 8


Michael Scott from The Office:
"You don't know anything! I live in a fantasy world!"

I can connect to that. My life has been hell. For a multitude of different reasons. Course, I'm not talking about the physical hell here. I'm talking about the other hell. Spiritual hell. I've been on my way out for a bit now, but these feelings still hold true. And yes, there are two hells.

Right now for me, the whole world is a stage. I have to convince them all, everyone, that I am who I am. But I'm acting, that's the thing. I am not optimistic. I am not this person. I am not this super-positive person. But I want to be, and am on my way to becoming this person.

I'm riddled with guilt, pain, misery. All over. I don't deserve this life. What the hell did I do in life before earth to deserve such a great family and everything. Or really, any of this?

Sad thing is, I might know why. But why would I believe a devil's angel? I have absolutely no reason to. But I also don't have a reason not to yet. From my research, sometimes they will tell you the truth to deceive you. Odd how that works.

That's all I feel like sharing about this. It's probably better that way.