This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Saturday, December 10

let it slip

Look. If you had one shot,  or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it, or let it slip?
- Eminem

Yeah. I've literally had a thousand opportunities, yet I never took the shot. Why? I don't freaking know. Maybe it goes back to my childhood, or maybe it's some psychological issue, or maybe I'm just a bit shy.  I don't know. I haven't mustered up the courage. It's been dang near a year since I last asked. Her.

But right now, I've decided I'm not gonna care about the past. I'm gonna be here. Screw what I think other people will think if I ask her. There's not a dang thing to be afraid of. Next opportunity? I'm not gonna take it, I'm making my own opportunity, and I'm gonna seize the moment, and give it all I got. That's it for today.

Reflecting back on this post:

I think you should know Eminem, I love you. If I didn't say so in a different post, I made my own oppurtunity and handled it awesomely eventually. I only failed once after the writing of this original post. In that awesome way, because your music has helped me so much throughout the last few years in ways you would never know. Also, I gotta give my man David Strauss, aka D Allie of United States of Mind a SHOUTOUT!!!

If you ever happen to read this, I got a 28!!!!!