This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Tuesday, July 3

High Maintenance

So, I am going to admit the obvious, that I am high maintenance.

Yup. Being High Maintenance is a good thing. I think. Not sure.

I care about all the little things. Call it OCD, being high maintenance, or whatever you want, in reality, I'm not sure of their dictionary definitions, as I haven't ever sat down to read a dictionary. Someone told me OCD is if something isn't done or something in an exact way, then you think something bad will happen...I have that kinda.

That's just bad. Bad words are bad. Just like Tom Sawyer. He's bad. Yeaaahhhh...

So many little things irk me.

When toilet paper runs out, not replacing it.

Thomas Payne's Common Sense

Why the heck would you make a dress out of toilet paper!? Well, for prize money I guess.

Putting both seats down when the toilet is flushed, so the contents of the toilet don't fly into the air.

Worst idea ever. Lighted toilet seat. Then you can see how dirty the toilet seat actually is. Clear toilet seats are a bad idea.
I clean it before I use it anyway...but still.

Cleaning up food and dirt messes on the ground. I can tolerate clothes and toys fine. I will clean them up later. Actually those other messes I will clean up too, but if they aren't mine, it won't be done very happily. I'll still be happy that the mess is gone however :)

That's just inexcusable. Some mess in a room is fine. Actually, some mess is good. Helps yo' memory according to some report haha :)

I would never be able to let anyone live in my house unless they had fantastic oral hygiene. A clean mouth is a happy mouth. And one without cavities. Well, minimal cavities.

Imagine this happening every single time. Then it travels in-between the teeth and the tongue.

Showers. Every day. But there are exceptions. Such as camping and the such.

Neon or LED lights in a shower is an awesome idea. Gonna eventually put this in my future home. Not that shower...but lights. A soothing neon glow while you take your shower.

Poking the sides of my chest. When my friends do it, it's fine, I refrain from putting my Black Belt skills through their head. It's a funny thing. I thought it was funny when it was done to an old friend of mine named Amanda. She reacted to it just as much as I do. Huge reactions. But a stranger doing that? Nuh uh. Your going down stranger. Your goin' down.

 I'm not the only one with a black belt.

Don't touch my phone without permission. If I give it to you, you have free reign. I'm an open book. But if I don't hand it to you.. don't go looking through my notes app. Or my songwriting app. Most people don't anyways, but still...

My phone looks like that!

Don't put bare feet near me. Socks are fine.

I wish they had these for guys. I only wish. Toe socks. Yes, toe socks. Not those smiles. Well, we should all be smiling all the time, but you know what I mean. Maybe.

Well, there's the end of this post. Hope ya had fun, maybe learned or took something around the way of this. Whether it's an idea or a fact or a sprout or a laugh. Something. Hmm. I am staring at that picture and really want some toe socks now. They look much more comfy than my own.