This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Friday, August 24


There are so many ways I could cover this topic. I may have covered this topic already, but if I did then I am going to go ahead and cover it again.

I love these things. It says two things, one in the other.

So today one of my friends brought me to one of his father's neighbors...and they had both a pool and a trampoline.

Kind of like this, but not as beautiful. And with a trampoline.

Yeah. Not too many people had both. Annndddd their pool was all of ELEVEN feet deep! To add even more, their entire backyard was designed awesomely. Even with a full length basketball court (I would have preferred a volleyball court however). What also astounded me was their immaculately kept lawn and all their pets. They had three dogs, three birds, two bunnies, and lots of fish.

Two of their dogs looked like this... except one of the two was really huge.

One of their birds however was not a parakeet. That disappointed me, I'm gonna get one at some point in my life and teach it how to talk, sing, and play the piano. But they had two birds of some African variety, and a white cockatoo that kept trying to bite me! Lucky he never got me ah ha!

Cockatoo, their bite can hurt.

Anyways, to the topic of sin. One of their three dogs, Walter aka Wally, absolutely hates the water. It's believed that before he was rescued by these people that his previous owners had attempted to drown him. So, when I got on the diving board he just went stark-raving yoinks (figure out where I got that vocabulary from haha).

Some people are this abusive to their pets. Hard to believe, but it happens. He's now in a good home though.

Wally is passionately concerned for anyone whom he thinks might get into the water. So he barks like crazy. Anyways, later I was splashing my friend, Alex, and Wally started biting some of the water in the air. So I decided I'd play a game with him. I started splashing up the water toward him and he'd bite it. I did that for around twenty minutes attempting to get him into the water by slowly backing up, making him have to reach out farther.

If they wanted to get Wally in the water, this is what they would have to do. But then he would be barking the whole time.

It was only then that I realized if he fell in he would bite me and his outrageously long fangs would pierce my skin. It was almost too late. He nearly fell in but caught a leg still up and somehow stayed confuzzled me but then at that point I decided I was done playing that game. Might as well stop playing while I'm winning, well really when I'm still fine and not in the hospital for a 'stab wound'.

I feel so sorry for this kid. But the memes they put in front of him are soo funny...

That's how Satan gets you. He slowly lures you in. Just do a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and before you know it...your completely immersed in the water.

No worries, there will be no drowning on my watch. I'm a certified lifeguard.

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