This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Thursday, September 13


We all know the thing called popularity is such a fickle thing. And ya know, I was quite lucky I got to enjoy quite a bit of it at Youth Group. Not at all at school, but I was generally accepted by most so I was okay.

One of my favorite musicals

But looking at every group I've been a part of, I've seen some odd trend. It's the ones who have something majorly wrong who tend to be the most popular.

Favorite sports team

One of my best friends, Kevin, enjoyed immense popularity at school. But ever since I remember he's had to deal with his dad... who would, aside from all the other bad things, would beat him and his mom on occasion.

His dad didn't use a stick or anything, just his hands

I'm not blaming his dad though, he's gone through years of counselling and genuinely wants to change (he was fine our whole last year of high school; yay), I'm blaming generations of bad parenting... more on that in the post below this one.

Gotta love old people

So, Kevin has been one example. Then there's myself... I have internal troubles, and I've talked enough about those.

Two roads

To be a bit more drastic, look at all of the celebrities out there. The really famous ones come from terrible families, environments, and all of that. To name a few: Michael Jackson, Drew Barrymore, Eminem, Ozzy Osbourne, Oprah Winfrey...

There are some really funny memes like this one out there...

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