This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Friday, May 18

Attractive or beautiful?

Are you attractive or beautiful? Well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To me, being attractive is about how you look.

However, beauty consists of attraction. But, how attractive a person is, is a very small portion as to how b-e-a-utiful (as Jim Carrey would say it) someone is.

Beauty is all the ins and outs of a person. All the things that are wrong with them, and all the things that are right. It's any diseases they have, whether it's of the body, mind, or wherever. It's their personality. How they interact with others...everything.

Yet another thing though, when you can truly see how beautiful someone is, you love them (yes one of my definitions of what love is). Love is when you see an imperfect person perfectly. You don't care about their flaws. You don't have to like their flaws (although you very well may like what society would call 'flaws')...

but you love them so much you don't mind their flaws. That is, at least for me right now, what love and beauty are.