This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Tuesday, August 28

I now believe in miracles

So, every morning before I head to work to mow lawns and stuff, I go jogging. I usually try to run at about 6:30, but today my boss told me I was not working today. He was going to train the new guy, and then I would do the rest of the training tomorrow.

I love this.

Soo, I end up having a nice breakfast and everything. So I go running at 6:50, twenty minutes late. A guy that was walking across the street runs over to me, so of course I brace for a fight.

I've always wanted to go to a MMA fight. Haven't been able to yet.

A quick eye over reveals he has no visible bulges from concealing a weapon. I do note that he is sporting clothes that I would associate with a 'thug' or 'gangster' in Detroit.

Kind of what he looked like. Except not as much dirt, clothes more rugged, he had a purple and black heavy cotton button up shirt slung over his shoulder (it was fraying), and a Detroit hat with holes in it. Oh, and he had his hair in a ponytail beneath his hat.

The man starts talking to me and explains that he and some friends got drunk last night, and for some reason he can't remember, he parked in a street and a friend took him. At 5 o clock in the morning his friend kicked him out of his car and told him to walk back to his own truck.

Well, so much for this guy to walk anywhere...

He also tells me he's been walking about for what seems like two hours and that his car is a Ranger and is the color Gold.

This was what his car looked like.

My brain kept repeatedly telling me to run back into the house. But then I figured, "I'm a black belt, I'll be fine no matter what happens."

Exactly what my brain was telling me to do.

While walking he told me he drove into the neighborhood and turned and 'stuff'. Very descriptive (in case you have absolutely no sense of sarcasm, he was not at all!).

Reminds me of Mr. Gullible from the Amanda Show.

I logically think about which street he'd probably turn onto and the street called 'Wesley' comes to my head. So we head over to Wesley. Before we say the corner I say a quick prayer. Not even ten seconds after I finished, teh dude says in disbelief, "That's my car." and then yelled, "That's my car!" He ran toward his truck, and then back towards me.

What if I told you this same hand model was the model for the Allstate insurance company 'your in good hands' slogan...

He shakes my hand and says, "Man... Thank you. People just don't offer help anymore. It's just so unlikely... Thank you!"

Google search for the word 'unlikely' comes up with TONS of these types of images.

I stand there, and I watch him rev off into the distance. With a happy smirk on my face I turn around and start my jog.

Not quite as epic as the scene in Oceans Eleven, but good enough for the moment.


Sooo I was listening to this song titled The Little Things Give You Away by Linkin Park earlier today, and started thinking about influence...

You can take tons of messages from their songs.


Don't want to reach for me, do you?
I mean nothing to you,
The little things give you away,
And now there will be no mistaking,
The levees are breaking,

All you've ever wanted,
Was someone to truly look up to you,
And six feet underwater, I do...

Six feet underwater... and ground.

You never know where your influence starts and stops. Which is one reason why a good teacher is invaluable.

It's legit.

Your influence, whether for good or bad, spreaads to each person you meet. Whether it's just a little or a lot.

Spreads just like a good ol' deadly contagious disease.

All of those little things you do, whether it's as simple as picking up trash that was left on the ground, organizing some project, being a great example to others, or giving hope and inspiration to someone. Most of the time, you won't know your influencing anybody.

There is always hope.

Some people may look up to you, others down, and of course some will be indifferent. But no matter what, you always are affecting someone (even if it's in subtle ways).

Ha ha, I had quite an inappropriate picture here before... it was subtle. Good thing I caught it...

With this in mind, I would like to thank all of those people that have pushed me down throughout my life, and even those who have kicked me back down as I was attempting to stand up. Physically, metaphorically, spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically.

One of my friends wants protesters at his funeral, with police having to hold them back.

And on the flip side of the coin, I would like to thank those who I look up to, no matter who or where you are. Those who have given me hope, and rekindled my belief in humanity. You have all influenced me in profound ways in which I will never be able to re-pay you.

Loved this videogame. Fantastic game, it was quite creative. The picture is here, because a city called Flipside is in one of it's sequels... but I liked the first one better.