This blog ain't meant for those people I know - unless they happen upon it - it's meant for YOU... I simply want to share some of my experiences I've had in life; and hopefully at the same time lift up the spirits of those who happen upon this blog.

Wednesday, March 21

Bad moments

Bad moments and times and things tend to energize us. With that in mind, why do we hate these times? These times make us strive to do better, they let us recognize our downfalls...When was the last time you appreciated a 'bad moment' or 'bad' moments? I appreciate them all the time.

Very well the equipment could be you...

They're the little things that make life much more interesting. You go on a date to a carnival... and you don't feel like shelling out $20 and neither does she for parking. You start walking and it starts pouring rain. That's not a bad moment. It's a moment to consider the different possibilities, and get closer to each other.

I may not like every bad moment as it happens..but, you can't know good without knowing evil. You can't know what it is to feel dry if you've never been wet. It applies to everything. I may not have appreciated the last two months of heartbreak, but in the end, it was a good thing. I've learned a lot about life. And tomorrow, all of the heartbreak will be resolved and become a good gooey chocolate bar (most likely), or a polar bear snuggling around his gasoline container. Or Coke bottle. Either or.

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